10 yard starting at $325

Our 10 yard dumpster is 12x8x4’ and is comparable to 3-5 full size truck loads of debris. The 10 yard has a max weight allowance of 4000lbs. Up to a 10 day rental period Call/text now to order 573-631-2028

15 yard starting at $375

Our 15 yard dumpster is 12’x8’x5’8”and is comparable to 6-8 full size truck loads of debris. The 15 yard has a max weight allowance of 4000lbs. up to a 10 day rental period Call/text now to order 573-631-2028

20 yard starting at $425

Our 20 yard dumpster is 12’x8’x6’8”and is comparable to 7-9 full size truck loads of debris. The 20 yard has a max weight allowance of 4000lbs. Up to a 10 day rental period Call/text now to order 573-631-2028